SCCV Winter Series is the collection of any Wintercross & Ice Time Trial events each season. The classes are the same across both formats and points are accumulated by participating drivers each event. Each driver drops their lowest 25% of the total series event finishes. There needs to be a minimum of 4 events held by SCCV to initiate the minimum of 1 dropped event. Awards are given to 1st-3rd place finishers in each class championship at the end of year Annual Banquet.


Ice time trials are events held on the frozen lakes of the Vermont area. Likely venues will include Mallet’s Bay and Lake Elmore, though others may be considered. Due to the nature of these events and changing conditions, trials are announced with short notice. Check our website or Facebook group often to catch these announcements!

These trials are single-car timed laps, similar to how Autocross events are run. The course is plowed out of snow to provide a large lane to run in. Standings are determined by the fastest average run time after removing the slowest time (to allow for some mistakes/off course). A driver will have to run a minimum number of runs to qualify for an official “averaged time”. The event chair will determine this threshold.

Road legal vehicles are run with winter tires that are either unstudded or studded: these may be DOT rated street studs you’d find on a typical winter tire, or with home-made “super stud” tires crafted from bolts. The barrier to entry is relatively low – you will need a road legal and well-kept, low center-of-gravity vehicle, appropriate tires, a valid helmet, and the confidence to drive on a slab of ice. One of the main vehicle restrictions to participate are a width to height ratio of 1:1 or wider to avoid risk of rollover, as well as other factors of safety. This includes trucks, SUVs, and other high center-of-gravity vehicles. Vehicles over 68” tall are subject to case by case determination by the event chair/organizers.

** Driving on ice assumes a degree of risk and should be done so with an understanding of ice safety and ice properties please review our Ice Safety Write-up. **


SCCV Ice Time Trial events cost $40 for non-members and $30 for members. See our membership page for specific information on purchasing membership.


Ice Time Trial events are pretty laid back and the majority of the administration of the events occurs within the cars! This can make it difficult to know where to go – read over this section to familiarize with the registration process and flow of the events. Have no worries as we are a very open and welcoming organization for newcomers – ask any questions before and during the event for a smooth, fun experience.


A valid helmet is required (see Ice Time Trial Rules page for specs).

Suggested items to bring:

  • It is very highly recommended to bring personal ice picks that can be worn around the neck or in some immediate fashion for safety purposes. – Shoe cleats like YAKTRAX or a similar brand to get about will make your experience more pleasant.
  • Bring a shovel if you can.
  • Warm, insulating layers!
  • Masking tape (Blue painter’s tape works best). Magnetic car numbers do not work well in winter and not recommended.

*It is recommended to empty vehicle of litter/unneeded gear as it will need to be removed before Tech Inspection and sit on ice*


It is critical your vehicle is well maintained. Any vehicles with loud exhausts or fluid leaks will not be allowed to participate. Do not drive all the way to an event to be told this.

If you plan to run super studded tires in either of the Super Spec Studded classes, use our guide on making them and triple check the Super Stud rules on the rules page above! Click here for the Super Stud write-up!


The course will have a distinct and separate start and finish zone, and the course is plowed to provide all the reference points that are needed. Course workers will be stationed around the start and finish to time runs via stopwatch.


Ice Time Trials are not as regimented as our Autocross events. Depending on the day and circumstances, the start time for events may fluctuate. The time frames provided in this itinerary is a rough estimate. Much of the event administration occurs within the vehicles to make as comfortable an event as possible. This means that Registration will occur in a car if needed, so please ask organizers for help finding what you need.


ITT events typically begin at 9:00am, at which point registration opens. As noted above, look for the “Registration car” banner to sign up. Registration is very similar to that of an SCCV Autocross.

To participate in an event, individuals must do two things:

  1. Register online via MotorsportReg, then check in with the registration crew at the event. A link to each specific event will be provided on our Facebook page announcement. Registering on MSR will include establishing Driver’s name, Car Make/Model/Year, Car Number, Car Class, and emergency contact information. You can also register onsite via paper if needed, but MotorsportReg is heavily preferred.
  2. Any driver OR passenger must sign an event waiver. Read this thoroughly at the event. All drivers AND passengers on course must possess a valid driver’s license. If the licensed participant is under 18 years of age, the participant will require both parent’s signature of a minor liability waiver at the first event, and at least one parent present at all events (whether driving or riding as a passenger).


The first preparation should be done before ever leaving for the event – review the rules completely and make sure your vehicle is compliant. Failing these checks may result in withdrawal from the event.

At the event, all drivers must affix visible car numbers to each side of their vehicle – this can be done with masking tape (blue painters masking tape recommended to minimize residue left afterward; best to go on windows and not paint). Remove any loose objects in your vehicle including in the cabin and trunk. Participants will drive to the tech station once ready. The Tech Inspector will review vehicle/component safety and will be checking for valid and current license/registration/insurance.


All event drivers will meet by the registration area for the Driver’s Meeting. Here the basics of Ice Time Trial driving, event flow, and worker’s stations will be reviewed. This will also include guidelines for the venue/community.


Immediately following driver’s meeting, all drivers have the opportunity to drive a familiarization run on the course before timed runs.

COURSE RUNS (11:00AM – 4:00PM)

Runs will begin around 11:00am with a somewhat flexible lunch break. Runs will resume in the afternoon and aim to finish up by 4:00pm. Course/paddock cleanup by ALL participants promptly after. We especially need to take care of our venues as they are a uniquely delicate environment!


Ice Time Trial events are typically split into two groups of drivers – one set are on the course taking their runs while the other group is in their “worker’s station”. With Ice Time Trial, workers will be parked outside of the course at a safe distance with radios. Worker’s groups are kept to a minimize size as the need for assistance is relatively low. Workers are responsible for maintaining safety with the venue and others on the lake. One worker station will keep timing with stopwatches. Typically each station will have a seasoned member if possible, especially the timing station. Workers also may be required to stop cars on course with a red flag (and also carry a fire extinguisher for emergencies). Remember your run group and which worker’s station you are at! If you forget, the worker’s station assignments can be found with the registration crew.

Ice Time Trial events are typically split into two heats in the morning (Group A working with Group B driving; then Group B working with Group A driving) followed by lunch, then afternoon heats in the same manner.


Newcomers to Ice Time Trial have the option to request that an instructor ride with them on runs to assist with navigating the course. While there is no course/cone language to learn as seen in Autocross, performance driving on ice can have a learning curve!

Keep in mind that competition is determined by the average of all times, so work for consistency and not just one hot lap!

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